
Posts Tagged ‘Where Did You Find’

ID-10037643Have you ever lost power during a storm?

It is amazing how dependent we are on our plug-in devices. We are cut off from the world when we lose power in a storm, especially if our cell phone batteries were low at the time. We can’t refrigerate our foods, or nuke it ii the microwave. Even if you have a gas stove, it may have an electric ignition.  We may have candles, but they burn down, and battery operated lanterns give out after a few hours.  A gas or charcoal grill will soon deplete. We begin to realize just how powerless we are when we suddenly have no power source.

As Christians, we have an eternal power source. But so often, we let our batteries run down because we stop connecting with His Holy Spirit.  We think we can get through our day on our own energy, forgetting the deep need to recharge through prayer.  Like our cell phones, we need to pug into God each and every day. That is the only way we can continue to, like that battery bunny, keep going and going.

The best thing? Even in the midst of a major storm in our life, God’s power will never flicker on and off. It will never go out.  All we need to do is plug ourselves into His mercy and grace again and be filled with powerful His Spirit.

I have a battery strength indicator device. I put a rechargeable battery to it and it will glow green for full strength, yellow for partial strength and red for need more power quick.  My soul has a battery strength indicator as well. I can tell when I am running low on strength. I need a recharging of His holy power. I must plug into His wisdom through prayer.

Don’t forget to recharge today- before the next storm hits!  When you feel weakened, you can find strength in God. No one can act on their own resources for very long.  We all give out after a while. Realize where the true power lies and tap into it. It’s the wise thing to do. When we are weak, He is strong.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)




inspired by a devotional by Linda McCutcheon –http://powertochange.com/blogposts/2013/09/24/recharged-not-disconnected/

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downloadShe came into the church office with worried eyes. “I lost my pearl earring Sunday during Church.”  She’d discovered it when she got home. After searching her apartment and car, yesterday she had come back up to  hunt around her pew and  still couldn’t find it.  I looked as well- nothing.  Today, when our janitorial service came, I asked them to keep an eye out for it. Instead of using their industrial vacuums, they painstakingly dry mopped the  whole church building with giant cloths. They found it!  I can still hear the joyous relief in her voice over the phone when I told her.

We are all pearls of preciousness to our Lord. He will search us out and find us when we are lost. Like our dear janitors, He will slowly and carefully hunt, always watchful.

My friend was unsuccessful in finding her earring and so was I. But I did two things  – I prayed about it and I asked the professionals to search for me.

If you know  someone who is lost, you may not have the resources to help them find their way back again. Remember this story. Our loving Lord knows what to do. Hand the job over to Him and pray.  After all, He paid the price for all of us to be found.

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.  When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:45-46

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This was taken from the Anglican Relief and Development Newsletter dated July 9, 2013.

ok tornado

Unbelievable Devastation:

Whatever redemption has now come was birthed first from incomprehensible tragedy [in Moore, OK on May 2o, 2013.] The toll was shocking: 24 people were killed, including 7 children at the Plaza Tower Elementary school, and over 375 were injured. As the 1.3 mile wide tornado ground slowly over a 17 mile path it smashed 1,150 homes and caused around $2 billion in damages. The tornado was designated an EF5, the severest possible rating on the official Enhanced Fujita scale which measures wind speed and destruction…

The Beginning of Hope:

Spiritual healing is an important component of this relief effort as residents continue to deal with the shock and trauma. Christ our Redeemer will be organizing an Alpha course focused on those affected by the tornado that will provide a space to express questions about why God allows such tragedy and suffering.

Fr. Wilson explains the idea as a way to reach people holistically: “We’re going to let people know that we’re working on their physical healing, but also talk about healing them as whole people.” He does not claim to have all the answers to these questions, but it is important to provide a space to bring them before God, Fr. Wilson says.

oklahoma torando


Tragedy Turned to Transformation:

As the shock wears off, the congregation is beginning to see God’s grace at work, despite the tornado’s destruction. The small congregation  has been transformed into a missional church dedicated to serving its community.

When another tornado came through town a week later, the church housed over 200 people who were trapped in their cars in the tornado’s path. Without a storm shelter, all they could offer was the church building itself and the comfort of prayer. “We told them ‘all we have is Jesus,’ but we believe in him.”

Inside the darkened and storm battered church they comforted and prayed for frightened travelers for two and a half  hours before the storm abated, and through that experience a new ministry has been born. From now on, Fr. Wilson says, “When we get a storm warning we’ll go to the church a make sure it’s open for people.”

In the storms of life, what better shelter than to be in the arms of Jesus (and gathered with His people). Please continue to pray for the families affected by the devastating tornadoes in Oklahoma and North Texas. Pray for all who have been tossed in their own storms that they may see Christ in the midst of it all  and reach for Him.

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