
Posts Tagged ‘doubt. bridge’

titles-mind-the-gap-largeWhen I was in London several years ago, there were signs reminding people to be aware of the gap between the platform and the subway car. “Mind the Gap” paraphernalia was everywhere, so I bought a magnet as a memento. I stuck it on my fridge.

Tonight, God spoke that message into my heart. Mind the gap.

There is a great chasm between earth and heaven, between the temporal and the eternal, between sin and grace. this moment and the unknown. It was bridged by Jesus’s death on the cross because we humans were unable to cross it on our own.  Our doubts, worries and sins keep us separated from the Holy.

The gap didn’t disappear.  It is still there. God in His wisdom and crack-576083_1280knowledge of all things eternal stands outside of our wisdom and knowledge of only this moment and  our memory-colored past. He sees it all, past present and future, beyond the shackles of time. He knows. That is why Jesus stated, “I am the Way.”

When life gets to me and the unknown begins to make my stomach clench, I need to mind the gap. I must remember that the One who loves me, more than conceivably possible, stands on the other side. He is holding out His nail-scarred hand, ready to grasp mine and help me across into tomorrow the way a Victorian gentleman would help a lady traverse a puddle. I must trust He will guide me safely and not let go.

Whatever happens, He is already there.  My role is to hold out my hand for Him to grasp, and then wait for the moment when His strength guides me and keeps me from tripping over the gap in trust I’ve caused by worry.

Like Indiana Jones in the Quest for the Holy Grail movie, I must have the faith to take that first step across the traverse, trusting in God to keep me from falling. That means realizing my limitations and His power.

Mind the Gap.

He is God,

I am not.

He knows all,

I only know this breath I take.

He holds tomorrow,

even though I worry about what tomorrow holds.


A magnet on my fridge, used by God to whisper a message into my heart.  Mind the gap. Remember who I am and that I’m here to guide you.

Tonight, I will sleep a bit sounder.


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